Slide Deck Design & Development


an act of presenting

Whether you love or loathe presentations, they offer an excellent opportunity to communicate ideas and make a lasting impression. We know getting that right is vital, and having a slide deck you can rely on makes the job a whole lot easier. 

With our design experience, a generous dollop of creativity and whole lotta love, we produce slide decks that shine: slides that suit your needs both as a presenter and a business owner. 

A slide deck that won't get stage fright (even if you do!).

A slide deck design that is clean, smart, colour coordinated and aligned with your brand is what you’re aiming for. To achieve this, consider the type of presentation you’ll be giving and the content you want to display. Do you want text, images, or both? Maybe even custom animations? 

More importantly, scrutinise your brand guidelines. Think about your logo, your colour palette and your strap-line. How can you bring everything together, evoke your brand and project it into the audience without saying a word? As designers, that’s our job. And we’re here to help.

Chat with one of our branding experts today and be pitch perfect!

Give Us A Call: 01384 936620

Any presentation, whether to peers or pros, will bring some kind of nerves. You wouldn’t be human if they didn’t! Something you can control, though, is how your presentation looks. But, hold on, how should it look? 

We’ve all been there: spending ages trawling through templates in Powerpoint and Google Slides, none of which suit your very specific requirements! What’s more, you also need to consider where to put your logo, which colours are brand-appropriate, and which font to use, and that’s before you even start writing! Creating a slide deck design for your presentation from scratch can eat up time and energy.

Slide Deck Design – For Maximum Professionalism

We work with Google Slides and Powerpoint to design a slide deck that suits your business down to a T.  Whether it’s a sales pitch, a conference or an interview presentation you’re creating, there’ll be no more wasted time searching for templates. You can get straight down to the nitty-gritty. But moreover, your personal or professional branding will flow seamlessly through your presentation too.

We work with your brand guidelines and tailor everything from the logo and strap-line to the colour palette, font and slide layout to meet your needs. We can even design your slide deck in Canva, so if you do need to change anything, you have the flexibility to do so.

Sick of trying to find a template that suits? Not quite sure what style would enhance your brand? Or are you just short of time?

We’d love to hear from you! Questions or queries, we’re available! Contact us through social, via our website, or by email or phone. Morse code, flag signals and flares not necessary.